Choppy has several good dog friends. However, in the world of dog best friends, there can be only one best friend: Izzy. She’s not just Choppy’s best friend, as my brother and sister-in-law’s dog, she is also Choppy’s dog cousin.

Best dog friends. They only look sweet and innocent here. They're likely moments away from doing something I would prefer they don't do.
Best dog friends. They only look sweet and innocent here. They’re likely moments away from doing something I would prefer they don’t do.

The first time Choppy met Izzy, Choppy apparently gave Izzy a nip to let her know who was boss (I wasn’t there to see this), and then they became the fastest of friends. There is no “getting to know each other again” when they meet each other. Nope, these two throw themselves at each other with gusto, immediately launching into rough housing, no matter where they are, seemingly thrilled to have their playmate around again.

Best friends who are sometimes subject to my desire to have two dogs to dress up.
Best friends who are sometimes subject to my desire to have two dogs to dress up.

While they are both well-behaved dogs when they aren’t around each other, together they get into all sorts of mischief. A few years ago, they somehow escaped from my backyard together, even though there was no evidence that a gate had been opened or any other means of escape had been employed – Choppy has not tried escaping my backyard before or since (though she has succeeded in escaping someone else’s). At my parents’ house, which is out in the country, Choppy never wanders too far from home. She might go visit the neighbors, but that’s still within shouting distance. Once you add Izzy to the mix, though, the two of them are off on adventures throughout the area, going well beyond where they can hear us (or perhaps they choose not to listen when they are together). More than once, someone has had to go out searching for them.

So, Izzy might not like dressing up that much...
So, Izzy might not like dressing up that much…

Sure, Choppy and Izzy sometimes have their problems. But at the end of the day, I’m pretty sure that there is no other dog Choppy would want to spend her time with.

This picture is from the first time Choppy & Izzy met. They've been inseparable every since.
This picture is from the first time Choppy & Izzy met. They’ve been friends every since.

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