Recently, we’ve come across two turtles on our walks. We do see turtles in our pond, but that’s about the only place we do see them.

The first turtle we saw, a couple weeks ago, was a medium-sized snapping turtle. This guy was sitting on the road, next to the curb. Me, wanting to be helpful and get him away from traffic, attempted to pick him up and move him. As a reward, I got snapped at. A second try was met with the same reaction. I left him alone after that. Where was Choppy during all this? I have no idea. The smart money is on “bunny chase”.

He’s not just mean, he’s ugly.

The second turtle we’ve seen recently was a small, painted turtle. He was off the road, but not by much. Unlike the snapping turtle, this guy let me pick him up and move him further off the road and away from danger. And, unlike the snapping turtle, Choppy came to investigate this one. She clearly had no idea what to make of a turtle, and much playful looking jumping next to it ensued. After what were probably the sixty most harrowing seconds of his life, I pulled Choppy away from him, and we headed home.

Cute and pleasant – much better!


“The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog.”

– Ambrose Bierce –

Probably ready for a hug, just as soon as she can get close and shake off all of this water.


The Walks:

Day 429 (July 2 – Eden Prairie, Minnesota) – Total Mileage: 2.9 Miles (1 Walk)
Day 430 (July 3 – Home) – Total Mileage: 2.1 Miles (1 Walk)
Day 431 (July 4 – Home) – Total Mileage: 2.1 Miles (1 Walk)
Day 432 (July 5 – Home) – Total Mileage: 3.4 Miles (2 Walks)
Day 433 (July 6 – Home) – Total Mileage: 2.1 Miles (1 Walk)
Day 434 (July 7 – Home) – Total Mileage: 2.1 Miles (1 Walk)
Day 435 (July 8 – Home) – Total Mileage: 2.1 Miles (1 Walk)

The Stats:

Weekly Mileage Total: 16.8 Miles (Average: 2.4 Miles/Day)
Year 2 Mileage Total: 181.7 Miles  (Average: 2.6 Miles/Day)