[NOTE: In case you’re reading this well after the fact, look at the date this post was published – it was our 2018 April Fool’s Day joke post!]

After exactly 699 days, I have sad news to report: we have come to the end of the Dog Walk Challenge. That’s right, just a month short of reaching two years of walking at least a mile a day, yesterday Choppy and I didn’t get our mile of walking in.

I have to say, things went out with a whimper, rather than a bang. I’d like to tell you that something dramatic prevented us from walking yesterday. But no one broke a leg or couldn’t get out of bed due to a violent illness. Nope. I didn’t really feel like walking yesterday, so we just didn’t go out for a walk.

This picture of Choppy pretty much sums it up.


What about going forward? Do I think we’ll restart the challenge?


Because, after all . . .


The Dog Walk Challenge is still going strong! Saturday was Day 700 – we’ll post our usual update on Tuesday. In the meantime, watch out for all those other tricksters out there!