Technically, we also walked over a mile at Notre Dame on Day 36. It’s just that the first walk was in the middle of the night, after the Reunion festivities. We did see a skunk, which was exciting. I’m only putting the second of our walks here on the blog – but it was an exciting one.

Date: June 5, 2016
Location: Home
Length: 1.0 Miles
Who: Sarah & Paul

It looks like a beautiful day for a walk, right? I mean, there is even a duck family crossing the road.
This is what it looked like if you turned around – slightly more menacing. There are two rather unconcerned cranes in the field.
We made a quick retreat home when the sky started to look like this. And we almost made it before it started pouring. On the plus side, our neighbors got a kick out of watching us running down the cul-de-sac as the sky opened up.