If you’re looking for the answer to Friday’s “Where’s Choppy?” challenge, it’s here.

We had a windy but beautiful Sunday of Memorial Day weekend here in southern Wisconsin. It was a perfect day to take a couple walks – and Paul joined us for one! It was also the longest walk of the challenge so far, and the day with the most miles walked (and also, the most cows seen).

Walk One:

Date: May 29, 2016
Location: Home
Length: 3.3 Miles
Who: Sarah & Choppy

Walk Two:

Date: May 29, 2016
Location: Home
Length: 2.1 Miles
Who: Sarah, Paul & Choppy

Walk One: The cows were all on the other side of the pasture, but the moment they saw Choppy, they came running. Choppy was slightly intimidated.
Walk Two: A beautiful, afternoon walk.
Someone was slightly exhausted after all that walking. (Hint: it was Paul.)