We are more or less back to our regular walks now – although thanks to the end of vacation and a weekend away, we ended up with walks in three states this week. There should also be some travel pictures from the road still to come, so look forward to those!



A picture from a walk a few weeks ago. I know this because it’s actually light out on the walk. It’s pretty much dark for the entirety of our morning walk now, especially when it is an overcast day.


The Walks:

Day 513 (September 24 – Vail, Colorado) – Total Mileage: 1.3 Miles (1 Walk)
Day 514 (September 25 – Home) – Total Mileage: 2.1 Miles (1 Walk)
Day 515 (September 26 – Home) – Total Mileage: 2.1 Miles (1 Walk)
Day 516 (September 27 – Home) – Total Mileage: 3.4 Miles (2 Walks)
Day 517 (September 28 – Home) – Total Mileage: 3.4 Miles (2 Walks)
Day 518 (September 29 – Home) – Total Mileage: 2.1 Miles (1 Walk)
Day 519 (September 30 – South Bend, Indiana) – Total Mileage: 1.5 Miles (1 Walk)

The Stats:

Weekly Mileage Total: 15.9 Miles (Average: 2.3 Miles/Day)
Year 2 Mileage Total: 424.9 Miles  (Average: 2.8 Miles/Day)