Look who is featured over on Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog today! It’s yours truly!

Check it out – and why not check out some other posts while you’re there? It’s a great resource for authors, budding authors, and those who enjoy some fun other posts.

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

For a couple years, Chris has been linking to my website, Travels with Choppy. And for just about as long, I have been saying that I will eventually get something published and enter the Authors Hall of Fame here.

Finally, that day has come!

Rather than just start writing a post about my awesome books that you should totally purchase, I thought I would answer six questions that I think people should ask me. You know, as if I was the sort of person who got interviewed on a regular basis or whose blog readers asked her questions (they don’t, but that does not make them any less fabulous – they are all great and you should drop by the blog and say hello to them).

Question 1: Are you the Sarah Ferguson who is Duchess of York?

No. Though I do have freckles, and you are welcome…

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