As I noted on Day 100 – the supposed end to this Challenge – Choppy was not in Minnesota with us for the day. So, we saved the celebration and stats for Day 101, when Choppy was around for one of the two walks.

Walk One:

Date: August 8, 2016
Location: Home
Length: 1.3 Miles
Who: Sarah

Walk Two:

Date: August 8, 2016
Location: Home
Length: 1.3 Miles
Who: Sarah, Paul and Choppy

Over the course of the 101 Days, we walked 209 miles – just over two miles each day. Choppy saw many bunnies and caught zero of them. We saw cows and cranes and construction. It was a great 101 Days.

So why not try for 200 days?

(“Because winter” – Says the little voice in my head that I am going to ignore.)

We saw many, many bunnies on Day 101. And this cat (he’s the little black thing Choppy is staring at).
Chasing bunnies and cats is hard work.
The sun sets on another portion of the Dog Walk Challenge.